In a country like India, the prominence and relevance of public relations are only going to increase over time. Whether it is a corporate brand or a celebrity, it is always important to win the confidence of the public for getting desirable traction. Looking at the increasing rate of digitization in all major industries, it is safe to say that the future of public relations is digital. Digital PR has already started gaining popularity among several brands, especially after the COVID crisis. ...
Digital PR allows you to reach out to a much wider audience as the circulation of messages through digital platforms is faster, cheaper, and more effective.
The future of public relations is, therefore, likely to be influenced by digital platforms. Moreover, social media platforms are bound to play an important role in PR campaigns in the years to come. Some of the top PR agencies in India have already started using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn to promote brands through public relations. These platforms are already being used for advertising for several years and are likely to become PR hotspots in the years to come.